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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

How to prepare a Cover Letter

Occasionally, it is necessary to send a speculative job application to a potential employer.

This is particularly so when you've been affected by redundancy or have been out of work for some time, or when a new business moves to the area.

The key with a speculative application is to understand how the particular employer might need or use your skills, so you might need to research the company before applying for a position, just to make sure that they do use the skills you offer.

Whatever the case, a good job application cover letter will help you get through the door and so you should pay a lot of attention to getting things right.

If you want to avoid using the "Dear Sir / Madam", then take a moment to telephone the company and ask the name of the person responsible for recruitment in the area you are looking to work.

Here is an example of a speculative job application:

Your Address
Address 2
Address 3
Address 4

Your telephone

For the attention of the Personnel Manager
Company Name
Company Address 1
Company Address 2
Company Address 3
Company Postcode

Nov 11 2008

Dear Sir / Madam,

My name is [your name here] and I am currently seeking employment as a [job title here].

I understand that you do employ people with my background, which includes x years experience as a [job title] with [old employers name here] and so thought that you might be interested in my application.

My CV is enclosed and I would be grateful if you would consider me for any current or future vacancies that might arise with your company.

As you can see, I live within easy commuting distance of your premises and can therefore attend interview at a time to suit you.

I look forward to your positive response.

Yours faithfully, [sincerely if writing to a named contact]

Your Name Here

This cover letter won't suit all situations, but it can be modified easily given a little thought.

Always include a CV with your covering letter and be sure to check that all contact information is correct and current.